Welcome to Mehab!

Mehab provides coaching, courses and an online community for clinicians. Jo Turner, director of Mehab is a Physiotherapist, clinic Owner and life coach. Having navigated these various roles and transitions over a 25 year career, Jo offers coaching and support with a deep understanding of the joys and pitfalls associated with a career in healthcare.

Therapy Live Offer: 12-week 1:1 coaching package!

Book a call today to learn more about this coaching package. This is a free, no obligation call to discuss the issues you are struggling with and how coaching might help.

Interested in joining our community?

Leave your details so that we can send you an invitation to join! You can view more information about our community here.

Welcome to Mehab!

Mehab provides coaching, courses and an online community for clinicians. Jo Turner, director of Mehab is a Physiotherapist, clinic Owner and life coach. Having navigated these various roles and transitions over a 25 year career, Jo offers coaching and support with a deep understanding of the joys and pitfalls associated with a career in healthcare.

Therapy Live Offer: 12-week 1:1 coaching package!

Book a call today to learn more about this coaching package. This is a free, no obligation call to discuss the issues you are struggling with and how coaching might help.

Interested in joining our community?

Leave your details so that we can send you an invitation to join! You can view more information about our community here.


Coaching can mean different things to different people, and you probably recognise some of the principles in your clinical practice or as a business owner. Professionally we are expert at seeing other people’s needs but not always our own. Coaching can help if you are dissatisfied in any personal or professional situation but are struggling to find a way through by yourself.

What do you do better than most people?

What would joy at work and home look like?

When do you feel at your best?

What legacy do you want to leave?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself these questions, but do you challenge your responses which might be based on beliefs you’ve held so long they feel like the truth? Mostly we opt for a comfortable default answer, or we enter a process of rumination, never reaching a conclusion.

Coaching is an intervention in this process. I’ll encourage you to rigorously investigate your own beliefs and we’ll use tools and exercises to help you uncover the things that are genuinely important in your life. This can be challenging. The habits and beliefs we hold onto most strongly (because they keep us safe) are often the things that prevent us moving forward.

‘Do I deserve coaching? Isn’t it all a bit self-indulgent?’

I hear this a lot from clinicians although perhaps not in these exact words. As health professionals we often have very active inner critics holding us to impossibly high standards.
‘Maybe it’s better not to try just in case things don’t work out perfectly.’

And to the matter of self-indulgence, ‘to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of’ I think we struggle often with the notion of permission. We coach our patients in rehabilitation and lifestyle management with the aim of reducing pain and increasing pleasure in life, yet we find it difficult to extend that compassion to ourselves? It is true that nothing good ever comes easy, but the point at which you might consider working with me is when the frustration of staying stuck, outweighs the discomfort of addressing what’s in your way.

How does coaching work?

If you would like to discuss coaching options, book a call and we can discuss what is going on for you. You can bring any problem to life coaching, personal or professional.

I offer a 12-week programme online. An hour 1:1 session with me each week plus tools to help embed the work as well as access to my online community, Mehub. If you need some additional support on the systems and metrics of your business, I work closely with Andy Hosgood and Phil Badley from Elevate Your Clinic and if required, we can tailor a package of combined business and life coaching.

The Mehub Community

“It’s time to talk…..and I mean really talk”

Our ‘Mehub’ community is a place to talk with other clinicians, share how you are feeling with people who probably feel the same, to raise questions and challenge ourselves to find solutions. If you are a clinician who is prepared to look at things a little differently, who can see a better way both for yourself and your colleagues, who is prepared to debate, with compassion in the pursuit of positive change in healthcare, please leave your details for an invitation to the Mehub community, come and join us.

Customer Story..

“I had been struggling to find the balance between work and family, I knew that my career confidence was at an all-time low, probably due to burnout (not that I would have admitted it) but I thought that I should have the solutions to fix this myself and I just needed to be better organised and improve my time management. Although this was something I had been trying for years without much success.

I listened to Jo speak and as cheesy as it sounds, it was as if she was talking specifically to me. Everything she spoke about rang true, including some uncomfortable home truths. The biggest appeal though was that Jo is also a physio, so she gets the physio mentality.

After listening I signed up for an initial 1:1 and following that knew that this was what I needed, however, I was cautiously optimistic. Could she really help me ‘fix’ years of habits and wasn’t this just how I was meant to be?!

After 12 sessions with Jo I can honestly say it’s one of the most powerful and life changing things I have done. It was emotional, it was revealing and as a friend said, ‘It was like holding a mirror up to really see myself.’ However, it was also fun and empowering and I looked forwards to our sessions each week.

The biggest change for me was looking at the reasons for my beliefs and my behaviours and acknowledging that those didn’t have to define me forever.

If you are feeling a bit lost, overwhelmed, or just struggling to get the balance of everything then I would highly recommend getting in contact with Jo. I will be forever thankful that I found her when I did.”

Fiona, Physiotherapist, and business owner.

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Get In Touch!

For general enquiries, booking information or anything else please email jo@mehab.co.uk and I'll get back to you asap. Alternatively you can book a call with me here.