This morning, I swam in 6-degree waters, no wetsuit and beamed with joy as I shared a hot tea afterwards with my mate Rach. And I hate the cold!
A few months ago, I couldn’t drive more than a few miles without leg pain and cramping. And I couldn’t fix it.
Yesterday, my daughter finished the last of her mocks, having made herself get up and go in everyday with a really nasty chest and cough.
A month ago, kind strangers enquired if they could help my daughter and I, both of us in tears in the centre of Bristol. She was really struggling again.
In the first half of this week, I delivered ‘Strictly Christmas Pilates’ in a pink tutu
On Friday evening, the same clients and I sat quietly, contemplating ‘Comfort and Joy’ around the candles and offerings you see in the image with this blog.
In the last few months, two brave women and good friends have become pregnant, each with a tale of struggle and disappointment but elated at the prospect of meeting their longed-for baby in the springtime.
In the last 4 weeks, 2 other brave ladies lost their 5-year battles with cancer.
This year was the steadiest year for my Mum since her fall downstairs, 5 years ago.
Last month Mum was diagnosed with macular degeneration and is unable to drive or play tennis, her beloved game since childhood.
In springtime, we celebrated the platinum jubilee of our triumphant queen
In the autumn we mourned her death
Life. A messy, swirling mass of good and bad where the bias waxes and wanes. Never all up, or all down.
My lovely friend and Mehubber, Helen has been known to reference the words of Leonard Cohen,
“Love is not some kind of victory march. No, it’s cold and it’s ever a broken Hallelujah”
As the year draws to a close, whether your Hallelujah is a tentative whisper or an exultantant holler, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, in this space with me, where we can (to quote St Brene Brown this time)
“Share the bends in the road and appreciate how much better that is for humanity.”
Have a wonderful Christmas. May you revel in the highs and have a wry smile, or a defiant roar at the crap bits.
Lots and lots and lots of heartfelt, messy love,
Jo x